British Columbia's modern master of mystic and romantic verse, Lawrence Hearn, with mp3 audio poetry and digital photos from super natural British Columbia

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Flickering Feelings


 flickering feelings, emotional waves
waking and sleeping, days after days
finding perfection just breathing air
in and out, in and out, everywhere

Sun in the morning, cloudy at noon
rain in the evening, weather attuned
to celestial cycles manifesting
up and down, back and forth, we are within

what we are thinking, streams flowing by
in and out breathing, into the sky
detaching and floating, drifting away
finding perfection, wanting to stay

wanting not wanting, attached coming down
flickering feelings in which to drown
waking then sleeping, returning too
wanting not wanting when I'm with you

time disappears as wanting subsides
eternal moments where love abides
falling like raindrops, flowing in streams
lost in the wonder of sharing our dreams...