British Columbia's modern master of mystic and romantic verse, Lawrence Hearn, with mp3 audio poetry and digital photos from super natural British Columbia

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Collectice Consciousness & Metamorphosis

 Collective Consciousness


 collective consciousness
butterflies and bees
ants living underground
and humans when we please

letting go our egos
with senses on alert
listening to thought-waves
around which we can skirt...

are you now thinking
what is in my mind
when thinking of you?
relax and you will find

seeping through the ether
oozing as it drips
visions intertwining
in momentary blips...

collective consciousness
memories we share
without using sentences
are around us like the air

so you can know what I know
and I can know that you
share collective consciousness
in the things we do...





breathing in
breathing out while

letting go
the endless stream
of thought-waves rippling
in mind unseen

ideas and concepts
plans and schemes
in a torrent
or so it seems

become like babbling
waters where
the forest hush is
in the air

breathing in
breathing out while

merging into
the all around
breathing in and
out the sound

of transformation
coming forth
just by breathing
we can morph

into beings
beyond who we
once believed
that we could


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