I Wish
Day 5 Month 6 - 13 Moon Calendar
I wish
I wish you were with me tonight
in my thoughts and feelings you're light
around each other we spin
swirling and twirling within
I wish you were with me in flesh
skin touching skin as we mesh
held in each other's embrace
I wish we were face to face
I wish you were with me tonight
your beauty's my favourite sight
beyond words is the way that I feel
compelled by your sex appeal
I wish you were with me as I
breathe in and out as we tie
as we synchronize hearts to beat
in time and ever so sweet
I wish you were with me, you are
very close to me when you are far
around each other we spin
swirling and twirling within
I wish you were with me tonight
it always feels so right
imagining your warm embrace
I wish we were face to face
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