Mirage & Scorpio
it comes it goes
to reappear
it's far away
yet seeming near
it's in these words
it's in our minds
it's in our hearts
while in these times
we circumnambulate
where we
share our lives
when we are we
the sky above
and earth below
it shimmers fast
we think we know
by reaching out
we're reaching in
and discovering
it's far away
yet seeming near
it comes and goes
it disappears
Scorpio came with rain from the north
windy and cold for all setting forth
for twenty-four hours, all through the night
grey was the colour of the sky's light
reflected by the sea nearby
grey waves crashed under grey sky
the weather continued until it was gone
with blue skies back where they belong...
on the mountains a dusting of snow
a hint of the future we think we know...
yellow and red and golden too
leaves keep falling leaving few
deciduous factories of chlorophyll
making plant sugars each minute until
signals are sent and all is shut down
waiting for springtime yet still we are found
surrounded by trees forever green
cedars and pines and others are seen
Scorpio's here on the west coast
Libra turned into yesterday's ghost
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