British Columbia's modern master of mystic and romantic verse, Lawrence Hearn, with mp3 audio poetry and digital photos from super natural British Columbia

Saturday, October 07, 2017


Day 18 Month 3 (13 Moon Calendar)



in and out
and in between
awake asleep
we're in a dream

we're in a vision
we create...
awake from sleep
before too late -

rising falling
standing still
in a valley
on a hill

floating drifting
in a stream
we're spectral beings
in a beam

thinking thoughts
while in the mind...
awake from sleep
slip out of time

slip into where
and when to be
awake from sleep

Visit Vancouver Photos

Friday, October 06, 2017

Flight of Fancy

Day 17 Month 3 (13 Moon Calendar)


flight of fancy

walking on the water
walking on the sand
flying through the atmosphere
coming in to land

flying through a pleasure dome
flying everywhere
penetrating space above
the emptiness so near

braided and in motion
around around around
currents radiating
everywhere abound

interacting feelings
interacting thought
interacting mind with mind
giving what's been brought

flying through a pleasure dome
soaring high alone
flying with the eagles
heading on back home

walking on the water
walking on the sand
walking through the atmosphere
walking on the land

Visit Vancouver Photos

Tuesday, October 03, 2017


Day 14 Month 3 (13 Moon Calendar)



second chakra
rising rising
it has been the

fuel for passion's
burning fire
of desire

in the morning
in the evening
in the daytime
before leaving

dreaming thinking
we are linking
we are floating
we are sinking

in the movement
of love's ocean
up and down
in rhythmic motion

second chakra
burning fire
of desire

Visit Vancouver Photos

Monday, October 02, 2017

Brief Encounter

Day 13 Month 3 (13 Moon Calendar)


brief encounter

we've never met
you smiled, me too
passing by
still, we both knew

something in between
a glance
was filled with promise
of a chance

of mind to mind
a moment out of time
which pleased

knowing's quest
seeing you was
just the best

now I tingle
the space we shared
that we were in

something in between
still flows
back and forth and on
it goes

something in between
a chance
a promise filled
with just a glance

Visit Vancouver Photos