ever glade
Day 15 Month 10 - 13 Moon Calendar
ever glade
whirlpool vortex around around
thoughts and feelings, city sound
egos flushed, desires supreme
until we wake from today's dream -
until we wake and elevate
conscious mind before too late
before we're swept away again
by whirlpool's vortex hurricane -
thoughts we think like yesterday
reacting always the same way
preconditioned long ago
standing still we cannot grow -
prana flows...chi moves on
on and on and on and on
through our lifetimes, through the stars
let go let go the mind which bars -
relax relax we're more than we
ever think, let go be free
from yesterday, tomorrow's shade
let go, relax in ever glade -
in meadows warm whose reeds do blow
within beyond, we think we know
within each life a secret place
within it all a sacred space -
whirlpool vortex around around
thoughts and feelings, city sound
egos flushed, desires supreme
until we wake from today's dream -
orig 2008
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