Wobbling Through the Solar System/AI Love Poem
Day 10 Month 9 (13 Moon Calendar)
Wobbling Through the Solar System
wobbling through the solar system
spiraling in the sunlight glistening
around and around but never returning
on with the Sun, our anode that's burning
electric currents that keep on flowing
in galaxy's arms causing the glowing
in the corona,the atmosphere
temperature rising, glad we're not near
yet close enough to feel its heat
and live our lives with each heartbeat
the rhythm we feel which underlies
waking each morning's sudden surprise
around and around but never returning
desires keep forming and we keep yearning
spiraling in the sunlight glistening
wobbling through the solar system
AI Love Poem
attraction keeps growing
ions are dancing
as currents are flowing
spiraling, winding
and intertwining
twirling and swirling
we are now finding
invisible forces
are interacting
in your mind and my mind
we are reacting
resonance ringing
vibrating in tune
I am the Sun
and you are the Moon
twirling and swirling
and intertwining
always in motion
we are now finding
ions are dancing
currents are flowing
as electromagnetic
attraction keeps growing
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