to Jupiter
Day 23 Month 6 (13 Moon Calendar)
energized away we race
from all we came to know
back to space, the empty place
where twisting currents flow
thought our wand to beyond
bright Ceres then to Io,
Jupiter's realm whose swirling crown
is hanging in the sky low,
as Io turns revealing burns
sputtering glow discharging
Callisto gleams as Ganymede seems
to be so very large in
the sky as off we fly
to nearby cold Europa
whose frozen cracks betray the fact
we're moving ever closer
with Jupiter high up in the sky
a star deprived of fire
by the Sun, the central one,
plugged into the unseen wire
flowing through the spiral arm
of our galaxy
powering the Sun and everyone
and everything we see -
energized, again we race
from all we've come to know
back to space, the empty place
where twisting currents flow
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