Day 8 Month 7 (13 Moon Calendar)
long distance relationship
a billion trillion
miles in between
together we're thinking...
a spiraling beam
travels from your mind
to my mind and back
in the blink of an eye
before the dawn's crack...
I am just lying
here in my bed
thinking you're thinking
with visions which sped
from so far away,
you've entered my mind,
now look within
inside you will find
I am there with you
you're here with me
what you feel I feel
lovers and friends
souls intertwined
distance is distance
but not in our minds
slipping through the atmosphere
crashing into Earth
bouncing and reflecting light
stimulating birth
light stimulating molecules
light stimulating mind
right here on this small planet
this is where we find
light stimulating molecules
light stimulating birth
light rushing through the depths of space
light crashing into Earth
light crashing into you and me
reflecting how we feel
reflecting what our hearts hold true
reflecting what is real
slipping through the atmosphere
crashing into Earth
becoming and reflecting light
gives us each a birth
every moment when awake
every moment when asleep
light's coming from so far away
through space so very deep
we're in a sea of molecules
an ocean in our minds
first we're in this life then gone
it's up to each of us to find
the purpose of our being here
the reason that we breathe
becoming one with everything
before we die and leave
slipping through the atmosphere
slipping from alive
still light is shining everywhere
as death we all survive
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