British Columbia's modern master of mystic and romantic verse, Lawrence Hearn, with mp3 audio poetry and digital photos from super natural British Columbia

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Touch Me

Day 19 Month 4 - 13 Moon Calendar


touch me

touch me touch me
from my toes
up to my hair

embrace me
with your warm caress
wash away
the hidden stress

lift me let me
float away
in my mind
with you to play

liquid luscious
waves of waves
when I'm with you
you're what saves

water water
you're the one
pulled by Moon
and too the Sun

when you touch
a current flows
head to toes

touch me touch me
you as vapour
in the air

embrace me
with your soft caress
wash away
the hidden stress

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Friday, November 04, 2016

In Your Hands

Day 18 Month 4 - 13 Moon Calendar


in your hands  

in your hands
I'm in your hands
you're in my hands
we understand

that our hands
are how we touch
are how we feel
the way that we'll

and titillate
as we wait
and contemplate

all the pleasure
through our fingers
skin on skin
they find and linger

in between
your thighs and mine
slipping in
and out of time

while in your hands
I'm in your hands
you're in my hands
please understand

that our hands
are how we touch
are how we feel
the way that we'll

and titillate
as we wait
and wait and wait

for our pleasure
to ignite
fires of passion
burning bright

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