British Columbia's modern master of mystic and romantic verse, Lawrence Hearn, with mp3 audio poetry and digital photos from super natural British Columbia

Saturday, July 18, 2015

In Your Hands

Day 22 Month 13 - 13 Moon Calendar


in your hands

it's in my hands
it's in your hands
it's in our hands

it's in our mouths
it's in our tongues‎
it's everywhere
we might

wish to explore
wish to adore
wish to feel
set free

from years and years
and years and years
pretending just to be -

you're in my dreams
all day and night
my mind drifts away

to a place where we are we
we just stay and stay

it's in your hands
it's in my hands
it's in our hands

it's in our mouths
it's in our tongues
with you
there's always light

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Sunday, July 12, 2015


Day 16 Month 13 - 13 Moon Calendar



I feel you when
you think of me
nerve vibrations
tingle buzz
I think of you
it is because
we are joined
we touch in time
never ending
like this rhyme
on and on
we dance through lives
'though egos leave
something survives

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