Spin Away
Day 8 Month 9 (13 Moon Calendar)
electric currents always flow
relax relax relax let go -
float away upon a stream
relax inside an astral beam
twirling as you spin away
relax relax you cannot stay
ride the current flowing to
the cosmic being who is you
let go let go relax let go
of all you thought that you did know
what was has gone but now is here
and waking up is very near
relax relax relax let go
of all your sorrow and your woe
let the universe flow through
all is one inside of you
let go let go relax let go
you're a current in the flow
you're a being intertwined
heart in heart and mind in mind
float away upon a stream
relax inside an astral beam
twirling as you spin away
relax relax you cannot stay
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