I Am War
Day 8 Month 3 - 13 Moon Calendar
I Am War
I am war and this is death
America kills and steals what's left
corpses burned and piled so high
mothers, fathers, children die
from the evil found in men
in women too who say 'bless them'
wrapped in flags and strange beliefs
from old books like tribal chiefs
xenophobic souls destroyed
by the fears with which they've toyed
by their lust for power and hate
for anyone who will not wait
in the darkness where they breed
the ugliness of souls in need -
I am war and this is death
America kills what little's left
of a nation once admired
now despised by all inspired
by the goodness in our hearts
those who murder stand apart
those who kill and say 'God bless'
kill themselves their souls are less
creating hell in wars and hate
creating too their own sad fate...
orig 2005
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